New Zealand Rheumatology Association
New Zealand Rheumatology Association NZRA the organisation for rheumatologists, healthcare professionals and scientists

Who We Are

The New Zealand Rheumatology Association (NZRA) is the organisation for New Zealand rheumatologists, and other rheumatology healthcare professionals and scientists interested in arthritis and related conditions. The NZRA is a non-profit organisation, registered with the Charities Commission and governed by the NZRA executive.

Why The Willow?

The willow tree you see above is the symbol of the NZRA. The latin for the willow is salix, from which we get the word “salicylates”; a group of compounds that includes aspirin, the first non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent to be used to treat arthritis.

The Willow logo was designed by the late Dr Moore Tweed in the 1970s.

About NZRA

Our main functions are to provide professional development opportunities for our members, support research about arthritis and promote quality health care for New Zealanders with arthritis and related conditions.

See our Executive Committee members


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